Questions no one asks, but I'd love to answer.

What are your greatest influences?

Steph Smith's How To Be Great, Just Be Good Repeatably. Daniel Bourke's idea of focusing on doing nothing. Paul Graham's essay on what to do when life is short. John Steinbeck's challenge in East of Eden to measure our life by our number of "glories." T.S. Eliot's exhortation to find the one action which will "fructify in the lives of others."

What are your life goals?

Invent the future.

Meet Paul Graham.

Change the someone's life.

Meet Dave Chappelle.

How did you and your girlfriend get together?

I typed I love you into her phone on the last day of middle school.

What does it mean to be a man?

A man is someone who takes care of the people who love him.

What books changed your life?

East of Eden, John Steinbeck

The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion, Johnathan Haidt

Letters from a Stoic, Seneca

Hackers and Painters, Paul Graham

To name a few. Here's the full list.

How do you stay sane?

There's so much stuff out there; I've seen enough beautiful ideas to last several lifetimes. To organize my life around what I care about, I cultivate a sense of familiarity, by reminding myself of what I care about everyday.

I re-read Slava Akmechet's prefer comedy over tragedy to focus on movement and making everyday.

What's the best career advice you've ever gotten?

Sam Altman's focus on independent thought and learning to build and sell in How to be Successful. Erik Torenberg's exhortation to step out of short-term games in favor of long-term thinking in Take Asymmetric Bets. Paul Graham's guidance to avoid prestige in How to Do What You Love. Derek Siver's explanation of the power of work and art in How to do what you love and make good money.